Hey! I actually won a blog giveaway today! WOO HOO! I never win anything! But I DID win
Chromatic Misadventure's giveaway! Go check out her blog!
Anywho, I'm trying to drag out posts of the swatches I did Sunday. I actually broke down and bought all five of the Claire's mood polishes (I liked the first one so much, I had to go back and get the rest. It's a problem. Really.), but I'm wearing one polish a day every day this week, so I won't have pictures and a post until Friday or Saturday.
So I'll just drag out my unposted pictures for as long as I can. Which should be about a week. :) These are four polishes I picked up at Sally Beauty Supply. Mostly on sale! Mostly...
I picked up ANOTHER of the Orly Sweets at Sally. I really do fail at not buying. Anyway, I got Pixy Stix. Lately, I am really digging Orly's formula. I am so not an OPI girl. Give me Orly and China Glaze, dammit! OPI chips too easily and is too expensive and, frankly, boring (at least most of the time, although they do have their moments).
Anyway, here's Pixy Stix. It's a bright pink that leans a little coral or salmon. This is two coats. Someone with more skills probably coulda gotten away with one.

And here's an older (last year?) Orly I picked up -- Prince Charming. It's a very dark taupe. Almost brown, but greyed out enough to be called taupe. Also two coats.

I also picked up the only polish from China Glaze's Up and Away collection that I felt I NEEDED. Light as Air. It's a very pale lavender, and while I have a similar color, it's Essie (Lilacism, to be precise). I freaking hate Essie's streaky ass polishes, and crappy brushes, and $8 price tag. I will never buy another Essie. As God is my witness. Light as Air is similar, applies better, and is WAY cheaper. I need to do a comparison. I have several polishes I want to compare. Maybe next weekend.

Last, I picked up (on clearance!) a Nina Ultra Pro in Viva La Velvet. This is a bright, nearly pink, red metallic. I LOVE this type of red on me. I foresee myself using this a lot around Christmas time. This one also applied nicely, two coats.