I also think I'm going to attempt to do 31 days of Halloween-ish colors for October. I need to go home and raid my stash to see what I have. I'm thinking any black w/shimmer, black w/glitter, or vampy should do it. I LOVE OCTOBER! And Halloween! And Fall!
Speaking of Fall, it finally actually feels like Fall here in Georgia! Hooray! The 90 degree days were KILLING ME.
Anyway, on with the show. I apologize for the tipwear in these pics. I wore this for several days, because I absolutely loved the color, but the tips wore down something fierce.

I was still too lazy to redo my nails, so I just slapped some OPI Significant Other Color on top. Check it out!

I liked that combination, even though it was a bit odd. :)
Poti alege una din salile noastre de eveniment, deasemenea iti punem la dispozitie meniurile de nunta sau de botez pe care le avem in meniu nunta botez. Meniu Botez