So today, I have, from my vault of unposted pictures, 2 OPIs and a Zoya. I THOUGHT I'd posted all my Zoya, but I actually hadn't. Maybe it's because I have too much nail polish. Nah, perish the thought.
This is OPI Here Today Aragon Tomorrow Suede. It's nice enough, typical OPI Suede (matte with shimmer). Dries very fast, but not so fast you can't get your nail covered first.

This is one of those shades, though, that I really prefer with topcoat. The shiny makes it pop!

And here is an OPI I picked up on impulse because it was on clearance. No Room For The Blues! It's very dupe-y with Zoya's Yummy. I'll do a comparison sometime.

And here is my lone remaining Zoya, Kalista. It's a beautiful shimmery dark red/brown. I am really digging these types of colors lately. I guess it's cause I know fall is on its way. :)

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